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Event Log:

The Event Log option shows list of operations that the Connector performed.


Click on the ID next to the entry to see more details.


Entry 104, for example, refers to a saving operation of a document: “ADD_DOC”.


The following image shows an example of an incorrect mapping. Here, a text string was assigned to an integer value.


The error is displayed in the informational log of the generated index data as well as in the returned error message from the WebAPI.


Queue for saving:

Clicking this option shows a list of documents / reports that are scheduled to be saved in Therefore™. This queue will be processed by the NAS Job Queue asynchronously.

Viewing this list can be helpful for debugging.


As entries are processed one after another one hanging entry will also interrupt processing for other entries. It is possible to send out an e-mail notification when this happens by setting up an e-mail recipient in the Home Tab.







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