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Reference > Solution Designer > Design > eForms Object > eForms Components > Advanced Components




Provides a probability as to whether a user is a person or a Bot.


This page describes the settings that are characteristic of the reCAPTCHA component. Please find the general settings here:

Reference: General eForms settings


These settings can also be used to customize the standard Submit button that is automatically added to an eForm.


Display Tab

Type of Event

The specified type of event that the component will react to.



Property Name

Names the field for the API endpoint.


Field Tags

Tags the field for use in custom logic.


Custom Properties

Enables the configuration of any custom properties for this component.


Add Another

Adds another configuration row.



For use of this feature, the API key will need to be obtained directly from Google; for more information, go to: The obtained Google API key must be entered into the Advanced Settings of the Thereforeā„¢ Solution Designer.



Layout Tab

HTML Attributes

Provides a map of HTML attributes for the components' input element.


Add Attribute

Adds another row for inputting Attributes.