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Thereforeā„¢ Help

Error: ExchangedDocument ID already exists in your structure in Chorus.

Solution: Check if the document is already uploaded. Sometimes, the Azure Function can be called twice for same document. If not, change the ExchangedDocument ID.


Error: SIRET number for seller or buyer has invalid number of digits (more/less than 14).

Solution: If the SIRET is shorter than 14 digits, add zeros before the actual number.

E.g., the SIRET is 12345. Change it to 00000000012345.


Error: SIRET number for seller or buyer does not exists in Chorus.

Solution: Check if the SIRET is correct. Just provide the name or SIRET of the company and check if it matches.


Error: Not all necessary fields are filled.

Solution: Fill the necessary fields. If the fields are filled, check if

GuidelineSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter ID is, and if the correct xml file was used.


Error:  "Please contact your administrator to set/configure PISTE credentials" in the workflow history.

Solution: Contact your administrator. If you are using Thereforeā„¢ Online, contact the Therefore support (