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Set up the Embed Index Data Task.


If more than one invoice corresponds to one Therefore™ document, merge them into one file using the Merge into one file checkbox. Otherwise, Chorus only uploads the first invoice. Please keep in mind that only files up to a size of 90 MB can be sent to Chorus.


Next, create an xml file containing the following code:



Save the .xml file using the file name factur-x.


Use the following settings:

Profile: Factur-X

Conformance level: EN16931

Embedded XML name: Default (factur-x.xml)


Click Load Template XML… and choose the xml file created in the previous step.


This xml file fulfills the minimum requirements. It contains the necessary information to be provided in Index Data as XML (template-based).


Fill in the following data after the xml template has loaded. Use the Index Data values of the Category. If any field is left empty, it will be filled with values from the template xml.


Use the following settings:



2.        Unique number of invoice. Please remember to keep it as a string.

3.        380

4.        Issue date time. To make sure that the date is in the correct format add the format in the xml. If you use the factur-x.xml attached above no changes are needed. <udt:DateTimeString format="102">

5.        Seller name

6.        Seller’s SIRET number. It must be 14 digits long, and it has to be a valid SIRET number. If the SIRET is shorter than 14 add 0 before actual the number (e.g., 123 => 00000000000123). The number must be kept as a string.

7.        Country ID (e.g., FR for French)


8.        Buyer’s name

9.        Buyer’s SIRET number. It must be 14 digits long. If the SIRET is shorter than 14 digits add 0 before actual number (e.g., 123 => 00000000000123). The number must be kept as a string. In case sandbox credentials are used instead of production credentials a sandbox SIRET needs to be used. Refer to for a list of available SIRET numbers.

10.        Country ID (e.g., FR for French)

11.        Order form number. It must be exactly 10 digits long. The order form number is mandatory only if NumĂ©ro d’engagement obligatoire : is set to Oui for the company you are looking for in


12.        Should be left empty.

13.        InvoiceCurrencyCode e.g., EUR for Euro.

14.        Amount excluding tax.

15.        VAT

16.        Amount including tax.

17.        Amount due to be paid from the invoice.


In the minimal factur-x.xml template, there is one more field: BuyerReference.




It is mandatory only when Service Code is marked as mandatory.



The correct service code can be found on the French government's website:



For more information about Factur-X, please refer to the following documentation:

Factur-X reference


Set up the Call Function Task.


Please enter the following URL in the Request URL field:


cpro_account and cpro_password are your Chorus Pro technical account and password.

piste_client_id and piste_client_secret are your PISTE client ID and secret.



Use the sandbox endpoint while using a sandbox for testing:

If sandbox credentials are used for the production endpoint or the other way around a “401 Unauthorized” error will occur.


This Azure Function is only available for Therefore™ Online (EU).