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Introduction > Multi-Tenancy > Connectivity Settings

Thereforeâ„¢ Web Access


To connect to a tenant via Therefore™ Web Access it is necessary to add the Tenant to the Default Web Site on the Microsoft® IIS Server.


1.In the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager expand the server object and then the Sites object. Right-click on Default Web Site and choose Add Application.




2.For Alias enter the Web application name that you specified in the Tenants Manager. For Application pool select Thereforeâ„¢, and for Physical path browse to TWA (Default: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot").


3.Once the new application has been added, the Client and MFP should be converted to application. Expand the newly created Web application (e.g. Demo) and right-click Client. Then from the context menu choose Convert to Application. Do the same for MFP.



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