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Notification e-mail: This e-mail is sent when a workflow instance is assigned to a user.

This is automatically sent to the user to whom the workflow is assigned. In addition other persons can be added via CC.


Overdue e-mail: This e-mail is sent when a workflow instance was not processed in time.

This email is not automatically sent to anyone.  The recipients need to be specified.


Delegate e-mail: This e-mail is sent when a workflow instance is delegated

This is the e-mail sent when the user chooses the Delegate action on the workflow task dialog.  The sender address is the user delegating the task, the main recipient address is input at run-time, but a CC address can be specified at design.



The mail setup dialog opens. Depending on the type of email (see above) the sender, receiver and CC addresses, as well as a subject and message can be specified.  In addition macros can be used to add information at run-time. The body of the e-mail (Message) can be entered either in plain-text of HTML format.



E-mails will be sent as HTML if the opening <html> and closing </html> tags are detected. However, the HTML code itself is not validated; if the code is not valid, the e-mail will not display correctly.

The date format used by the Therefore™ Server when sending emails is drawn from the language/regional settings of the Server. An administrator can define a specific date format in the Therefore™ Solution Designer's advanced settings, under General/Date Format.



Any customized input is deleted and the e-mail is reset to the default values.

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