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Thereforeâ„¢ Help


Each sub-window (Message Viewer, Volume Viewer etc.) is displayed one-offset-above-the-other. When in cascade view mode, the sub-window that is ‘checked’ will be displayed as the top most window.


Arrange Icons

If this menu-item is selected, and all windows have been minimized, they will be arranged into an orderly fashion.


Tile Windows

When selected, the windows will be resized and evenly tiled.


Message Viewer

When ticked the message viewer window is displayed.


Active User

When ticked the active user window is displayed.


Migrate View

When ticked the migrate view window is displayed.


Statistics View

When ticked the statistics view window is displayed.


Thereforeâ„¢ Content Connector View

When ticked the Thereforeâ„¢ Content Connector view window is displayed.

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