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Permission Mechanics: Case Creation


In Thereforeâ„¢ v.31, the permission that is checked for when a user tries to create a Thereforeâ„¢ case was standardized.


In previous Therefore™ versions, it was possible that the ‘Add document’ permission was checked for when a new case was being created. If inheritance was stopped, the ‘Add document’ permission had to be granted by the administrator so that cases could be created. In Therefore™ v.31, the correct permission - 'Add case' - is checked for and granting the ‘Add document’ permission will not work anymore.


This can potentially result in users who were previously authorized to create cases losing this ability if the following applies:

1.        There are categories for which inheritance was stopped

2.        The ‘Add documents’ permission was granted for users so they could create cases


If this applies to your Therefore™ system, please grant the permissions ‘Add case’ to users who should have permission to create cases.




Permission Mechanics: Defining Field Level Permissions in RBAC


In previous Thereforeâ„¢ versions, the permission used to define field level permissions in RBAC for creating a case was incorrect. An admin had to grant the 'Add document' permission to allow setting field level permissions on case creation.


In Thereforeâ„¢ v.31, instead of using the 'Add document' permission it would be necessary to use/grant the 'Add case' permission which is now used to check for permissions on field level when creating a new case.


If inheritance was stopped, special permissions were set on field level, and only 'Add document' but not 'Add case' was granted those fields that have the special permissions set on them would be grayed out on creating a new case. This would happen even for previously users that were previously granted permission.


If this applies to your Thereforeâ„¢ system, please fix it by also granting the 'Add case' permission on all roles that define field level permissions on cases and are applied/relevant for case creation. This can already be done before updating to Thereforeâ„¢ v31.




The Additional Information Field in Older Clients


In Thereforeâ„¢ v.31, the Additional Information field on Thereforeâ„¢ workflow instances is replaced with the Comments feature. Since comments support additional functionality that was added in order protect information, this will lead to the additional information field behaving differently in older clients, if they are connected to a new server.


Old installed clients and the Thereforeâ„¢ Classic Web Client do not have the new comments feature in the user interface. Instead, comments will show up in the additional information field exhibiting the following set of behaviors:

       In the additional information field, all existing comments will show up as one text. The comments' timestamps and user names are displayed as part of this text.

       Users can add new text at the beginning or at the end of this additional information text. When the workflow instance is saved, the server will notice that new information was added and store the new information as a new comment.


In previous versions, users were also able to change existing text in the additional information field. However, the functionality was changed and text in the additional information field can no longer be edited or deleted.


The aforementioned changes apply both to manually interacting with the contents of the additional information field in a Thereforeâ„¢ client and edits made via the Thereforeâ„¢ API or WebAPI.




Backwards Compatibility


In Thereforeâ„¢ v.31, the Thereforeâ„¢ Solution Designer's backward compatibility does not work for Thereforeâ„¢ eSignature. Please solve this issue by upgrading the Thereforeâ„¢ Solution Designer to Thereforeâ„¢ v.31.