Tasks can be assigned to a single user, multiple users and user groups. If a task is assigned to more than one user, or to a group, then all of these users will see the task in their workflow hit-list and will also receive an e-mail notification (if configured). As soon as one of the users claims the task, it will be unavailable to all other users.
1.On the Assign To tab, choose User/Groups and then select the relevant users and or groups.
•If the user or group should be chosen from a defined pool, then select the relevant users/groups from which the selection should be made. Also check the box User must choose from these Users/Groups. If the pool of users is already contained in a user group, then this group can be chosen and then the option Expand groups on assignment checked.
•If more than one user/group can be chosen, then check the box Allow to select more than one User/Group.
If mixed security is enabled, then the email address or domain/username must be used when assigning users in a workflow. Where mixed security is not used, the username is sufficient to identify the user.