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Introduction > Multi-Tenancy

How to create a multi-tenant system


StepsHow do I create a multi-tenant system?

1.Run Thereforeâ„¢ Server setup and install the required features.


2.Start the Tenants Manager from the Thereforeâ„¢ installation folder e.g. C:\Program Files\Therefore\TheTenantsManager.exe, and enable multi-tenancy.


3.Create the tenants (note that each tenant requires its own Thereforeâ„¢ license).


4.Depending on which features were installed, certain ports need to be opened to ensure client connectivity.


Client Application/Feature


Ports required

Port & protocol config.

Thereforeâ„¢ Web Access

Microsoft® IIS

80/443 (http/https)

Via Microsoft® IIS.

Thereforeâ„¢ client applications & API applications (e.g. Navigator)

Thereforeâ„¢ XML Web Service

8000 (http/https)  

Via TheXMLServer.exe.config

Thereforeâ„¢ MFP Applications

Thereforeâ„¢ MFP Manager Service

80/443 (http/https)

8091 (socket/secure socket)

Via TheMFPManager.exe.config



Thereforeâ„¢ XML Web Service and Thereforeâ„¢ MFP Manager Service require a DCOM connection to the Thereforeâ„¢ Server.


5.Depending on how you would like to connect to the Tenant certain connectivity settings need to be configured.


For installed Thereforeâ„¢ Client applications the connection settings and "TheXMLServer.exe.config" need to be edited.



Connection settings are configured on a client and "TheXMLServer.exe.config" is edited on a server.


For Therefore™ Web Access it is necessary to add the Tenant to the Default Web Site on the Microsoft® IIS Server.

For Thereforeâ„¢ MFP Scan  it is necessary to edit the file "TheMFPManager.exe.config".

For Thereforeâ„¢ Mobile App it is necessary to edit the file "TheMobileManager.exe.config".

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